Dragalia Lost Wiki

Ver 1.16.1 Version Update (January 27, 2020)[]

Update Details[ | ]

New Revive Feature[ | ]

  • In certain quests, when any adventurer whose HP falls to 0, they will automatically revive. There is a limit to how many times adventurers can revive during a quest, and the number is tracked separately for each player. This limit varies from quest to quest.
  • In certain quests, players will receive a survival bonus, and the content changes based on how many times they were revived. The fewer times they were revived, the better the survival bonus.

Inviting Other Players to Join Alliances[ | ]

  • It will be possible to invite other players to join an alliance. Only the alliance's leader and officer can invite other players to join.
  • Invitations can be sent from the co-op room screen, the Battle Again screen, and the friends list.
  • Players can even invite others who are already in an alliance. In addition, players will also be able to join another player's alliance in their friend list.

New Mentor Bonus Feature[ | ]

  • If a player who has already cleared an Advanced Dragon Trial on Standard or Expert difficulty clears the quest with a player who has not cleared it before, they will be able to receive a special Mentor Bonus reward. There is a limit to the number of times players can get the Mentor Bonus, and the limit will reset each week.

New Stickers[ | ]

  • New stickers will be added 5:00 PM, January 29, 2019 6:00 UTC. These stickers can be used on the co-op room screen or during quests to come to an agreement on various topics.
  • The number of sticker pages players can set up will be increased from three to four.

Notte Will Give Advice in Advanced Dragon Trials[ | ]

  • Notte will give advice about the boss's behavior during Prelude and Standard difficulty Advanced Dragon Trials quests.

Extended Time Limit for Advanced Dragon Trials[ | ]

  • In a data update to be applied around January 27, 2020 2:30 UTC, the time limit for all difficulty levels of Advanced Dragon Trials will be changed from five minutes to ten minutes.
  • This change will not affect the parameters of any of the Advanced Dragon Trials quests or the content of the drop rewards.

Main Campaign (Normal) Quests will Cost Zero Stamina for the First Clear[ | ]

  • After January 29, 2020 6:00 UTC, the stamina cost for all main campaign quests on Normal difficulty will be zero the first time you clear them.

New Treasure Trade Tabs[ | ]

Other Changes[ | ]

  • The prologue UI will be adjusted.
  • The damage dealt when shapeshifting during the prologue will be greatly increased.
  • It will be possible to tap to skip 3D movie lines, such as those that play during the prologue.
  • The single summon players get the first time they play the tutorial after creating game data, which is guaranteed to summon a 5 Icon Rarity 5 adventurer, will be changed into a tenfold summon, which guarantees at least one 4 Icon Rarity 4 or higher in the applicable summon showcase.
  • After performing the tenfold summon after playing the tutorial, players will additionally be able to select one adventurer from the following:
  • The Auto feature now unlocks after playing main campaign Chapter 1 / 1-2 for the first time instead of after playing main campaign Chapter 1 / 4-2 for the first time.
  • When using Quick Play in co-op and a room is created because one could not be found, the room conditions will be set to Element: All, Weapon Type: All, Might: 0, Objective: Up for Anything.
  • The UI will be adjusted on some screens.
  • Some graphics will be adjusted to reduce data size.

Issues Fixed[ | ]

  • The following issues have been fixed in this version:
    • On the co-op room screens for Void Battles, when a player with a weapon that had an ability that is effective against the boss enemy left the room, the effective weapon ability continued to display until the next player joined the room.
    • The position of the Rare! and Legendary! text that displays for rewards on the results screen after clearing a quest sometimes shifted.
    • Sometimes, after changing your team via the Team Selection or Room List screens on co-op, changing to the leftmost team, and then creating a room or using Quick Play, the room was entered using the team that was selected before the change was made.

Addendum January 24, 2020 4:00 UTC[ | ]

  • The displayed Might value doesn't increase after unlocking the "Advanced Training" node of the mana spiral.
    • Note: This is merely a display issue. The actual Might value is in fact increased, so any endeavors requiring this Might increase will be cleared as expected.