Dragalia Lost Wiki
Scorn the Destrier

400006 01 portrait

400006 02 portrait
* This vestige is unlocked after this Wyrmprint is unbound twice.


There once was a wild horse that refused to be broken. Finally, a man came along who was able to tame the beast. His name was Dane, and he later became emperor.

Dane was warned by a seer that the horse was ill luck and would kill his rider. But Dane only laughed, claiming that any who thought so were fearful and therefore his enemy. Then he cut the seer down.

The unruly horse—who was named Scorn— rode onto the battlefield with the emperor on his back. The sight was like the wind rushing across the plains, or a comet soaring through the darkest night sky.

Despite fighting over a thousand battles, Scorn was never injured. And with the emperor on his back, the two of them could ride to the very ends of the earth itself. Or so they both believed...

But Emperor Dane eventually died, for the peerless Scorn could not defend his master from the scheming plots of man. And so he continued to run, for it was the only way to remember his fallen friend.

Base Min Might
Minimum HP + Minimum Str + Lv. 1 Ability Might28
Base Max Might
Does not include external buffs (e.g. Halidom, Dragons, etc.)

Max HP + Max Str + Total Max Lv. Ability Might
Icon Rarity Row 3
Icon Union 02 Axe's BoonAxe's Boon
No. RequiredBonus
4 Broken Punisher +10%
Cost to Buy
Icon Resource Eldwater x200
Duplicate ValueWhat will be received instead if a duplicate is obtained (through drops, event rewards, etc)
Icon Resource Eldwater x150
Japanese Name
Featured Characters
Scorn, Dane
Obtained From
Release Date
September 27, 2018


Wyrmprint ability(ies) upgrade once after being unbound twice and again when fully unbound.

Increases damage to enemies in break state by 10%. (Max 30%, Might: 20)


Increases damage to enemies in break state by 15%. (Max 30%, Might: 40)


Increases damage to enemies in break state by 20%. (Max 30%, Might: 60)

