Dragalia Lost Wiki
Indelible Summer

400334 01 portrait

400334 02 portrait
* This vestige is unlocked after this Wyrmprint is unbound twice.


So this is that goldfish scooping game, eh? Well, seeing as how I'm hundreds of years old, this should be child's play for me... Ah. I, er, seem to have broken the scooper. Well, such things happen, I suppose.

Let me just... Blast! It got away again! This goldfish scooping is far more difficult than it appears. Perhaps you would like to attempt it and... Goodness, you already caught seven? Well, aren't YOU talented?!

Why did you take me behind this building? ...Ah, look! Pyroblossoms! I had no idea they spread here from Peng Lai, but you certainly found a fine vantage point for us to enjoy the show. How clever you are!

What a wonderful festival! I can scarce believe how many food stalls and vendors and pyroblossoms I've seen. It was so very kind of you to invite me along—even though you were clearly shy and nervous about it!

...Hmm? It's embarrassing that I saw how nervous you were? Well, there's no reason to feel badly about it. However, I promise to keep it a secret—your reddened face will be a summer memory I treasure for all time.

Base Min Might
Minimum HP + Minimum Str + Lv. 1 Ability Might79
Base Max Might
Does not include external buffs (e.g. Halidom, Dragons, etc.)

Max HP + Max Str + Total Max Lv. Ability Might
Icon Rarity Row 5
Icon Union 08 Wolf's BoonWolf's Boon
No. RequiredBonus
2 Stun Res +100%
Cost to Buy
Icon Resource Eldwater x4,000
Duplicate ValueWhat will be received instead if a duplicate is obtained (through drops, event rewards, etc)
Icon Resource Eldwater x3,000
Japanese Name
Featured Characters
Obtained From
Release Date
June 30, 2019


Wyrmprint ability(ies) upgrade once after being unbound twice and again when fully unbound.

If the user is attuned to Water: resists afflictions once per quest. (Max 3 Times, Might: 60)


If the user is attuned to Water: resists afflictions up to two times per quest. (Max 3 Times, Might: 80)


If the user is attuned to Water: resists afflictions up to three times per quest. (Max 3 Times, Might: 100)

