Dragalia Lost Wiki
10015 07
Chapter 15 / 4-7
Icon Episode Title SummonAuspexes Together
Previous Quest


Valyx overcomes the mask's power and saves the prince from Nedrick's attack. While Zethia raises a defensive barrier, Zena tries to use her power to whisk he party to safety. Zethia, however, decides to stay behind, and is separated from the prince once more.


Unknown???: Hrgh...

100001 01 r04The Prince: ?

ValyxValyx: Graaah...

100001 01 r04The Prince: Valyx? How did you...?

ValyxValyx: Must kill...Euden... Urrgh...this...blasted...MASK... You think you can control MEEEE?!

Everyone: ?!

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: He is unshackling himself of the mask's influence through sheer force of will. How utterly fascinating.

ValyxValyx: *pant* *pant* *pant* Nedrick... You DASTARD!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Stop, Valyx! You mustn't! We need to heal your wounds first!

ValyxValyx: Be silent! These wounds...are nothing compared to their pain...

ValyxValyx: Hraaaagh!

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: !

ValyxValyx: As tribute to my fallen soldiers... I will have your HEAD!

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: It would seem I have underestimated you.

ValyxValyx: Urk... What...? You yet bear such strength...

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: Permit me to respond with my full power.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Valyx!

ValyxValyx: *pant* *pant* Flee this wretched place, Euden...

100001 01 r04The Prince: I won't leave you and Zethia!

100001 01 r04The Prince: D-dammit... My body won't respond!

100009 07 r05Zena: I have to save my brother... I have to save everyone!

100009 07 r05Zena: (I could use my power to carry us all away from this place, but I may not have enough mana left...)

100009 07 r05Zena: (If I use all of my mana, I will disappear from this world again—and perhaps even fade away in my own...)

100001 01 r04The Prince: Zena... Heh. I like it. Welcome aboard, Zena.

100009 07 r05Zena: (I must save my kindly brother— the one with me in the here and now!)

100009 07 r05Zena: (Even if it means I burn out and disappear for good!)

100001 01 r04The Prince: That's the same light we saw back in the binding ruins!

100009 07 r05Zena: Good. I think I have enough mana. Now to hurry us from this place.

100035 01 base portraitCiella: You will do nothing of the sort!

100009 07 r05Zena: Urgh...

100001 01 r04The Prince: ZENA!

100035 01 base portraitCiella: You cannot escape; it is your destiny to die here.

100009 07 r05Zena: Urgh... My mana...

100007 01 base portraitNotte: Zena! No... No! We were finally together again!

Unknown???: I am NOT losing you here.

100009 07 r05Zena: Zethia!

100009 01 base portraitZethia: I shall make up for the power you lack. Let us again offer up our prayers as one!

100009 07 r05Zena: ...Yes! O Goddess Ilia, grant me your divine aegis!

100009 01 base portraitZethia: In the name of holy Elysium, make manifest your miraculous power!

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: This is an ill power... No! Stay back!

100001 01 r04The Prince: We're being wrapped in a wall of light...

100009 01 base portraitZethia: The sacred light is a protective barrier, but I fear it will not hold for long. Now take my mana—quickly!

100009 07 r05Zena: I feel the mana flowing through me... Thank you, Zethia!

100009 01 base portraitZethia: You are most welcome, other Zethia.

100009 07 r05Zena: Please, call me Zena. But we will talk later—we haven't a moment to lose in fleeing this place.

100009 07 r05Zena: Stand fast, everyone! We leave now!

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: STOP!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Nedrick!

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: Wherever you flee, Zethia, I will follow. I shall find you and return you to my side.

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: And when next I do find you, I shall end the lives of everyone here—EVERYONE.

100009 01 base portraitZethia: No...

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: I offer you a final choice: Flee this place for a time and ensure the eventual demise of those you name friend...or stay behind.

100009 01 base portraitZethia: ......

100001 01 r04The Prince: Zethia, what are you hesitating for? You can't believe anything he says! And besides, I WILL protect you!

100009 01 base portraitZethia: Euden, I...

100009 01 base portraitZethia: I will remain here.

100001 01 r04The Prince: No! You have to come with me!

100009 01 base portraitZethia: I am sorry, my brother. I cannot.

100009 01 base portraitZethia: Hurry, Zena! The barrier is about to fall!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Zena, wait! We have to bring Zethia!

100009 07 r05Zena: !

100001 01 r04The Prince: Fine then. Leave me here with her.

100009 01 base portraitZethia: Zena, please. You must stay by my brother's side while I cannot.

100009 07 r05Zena: ...I understand.

100009 01 base portraitZethia: Forgive me, Euden.

100001 01 r04The Prince: ZETHIAAAAA!

100009 01 base portraitZethia: Be safe.

ValyxValyx: Watch yourself, Sister... This man...

100009 01 base portraitZethia: Valyx!

100036 01 base portraitOtoha: Hey, boss man! Can we make a mess of this big ol' dolly here yet?

100037 01 base portraitAyaha: Yeah! We wanna play NOW!

100009 01 base portraitZethia: No... You cannot... Stop!

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: Leave him where he lies— I will tolerate no further meddling.

100037 01 base portraitAyaha: BOOO-RING.

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: Why did you choose to remain in this place, Auspex?

100009 01 base portraitZethia: Do not misunderstand my intentions. I am not submitting to you—I remained of my own volition.

100009 01 base portraitZethia: I shall take your full measure and then find a way to reclaim my brother's honor.

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: You are strong, Auspex. As such, I would have you accompany me, that you might witness the world with your own eyes.

100009 01 base portraitZethia: ......

100035 01 base portraitCiella: An interesting series of choices today, Nedrick. Are you feeling well?

100035 01 base portraitCiella: You question the princess and attempt to kill the prince? If I did not know any better, I would think you are letting your emotions rule the day.

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: ......

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: Prepare to set out, all of you. We take the Auspex north.

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: From there, we make for the sacred tree that lies beyond the Faerie Kingdom in northern Grastaea.

100039 01 base portraitNedrick: The Dawnshard ought to be there.
