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10017 14
Chapter 17 / 5-6
Icon Episode Title SummonAmbition


Scheming to usurp the pope's seat, Cardinal Graht orders Harle to obtain the Dawnshard. However, while Harle puts on airs of loyalty, he himself desires the shard for his own ends, and sets off to the north with a fearless smile across his face.


Grams Curia

Graht: ......

Graht: (The seat of the pope of the Ilian Church. He who sits upon it rules this city... No, all of North Grastaea.)

Graht: (I was no more than a poor child living hand to mouth each day, and now I seek to take that throne of thrones for myself.)

Graht: (Not long now. I swear, one day, I...)

Unknown???: You'll be sitting pretty right there one day. Your yearning is written plain across your face, you know.

Graht: Ah. It's you, Harle.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: It's been some time, Cardinal Graht.

Graht: Reserve your japes for another time. You stand before the seat of our holy leader.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: Ha ha. Please, quell your anxieties. I have already ordered everyone to leave. There are none left to bend an ear in the direction of our conversation.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: Planning to instigate a conflict between the conservatives and the perditionists in order to sow division in the Ilian Church of the south...

100019 01 base portraitHarle: And planting the seeds of rebellion amongst the public in North Grastaea to weaken the position of the royal family...

100019 01 base portraitHarle: It would appear all of your plans proceed apace, Cardinal.

Graht: All I do, I do to see glorious Grams prosper.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: I'm well aware of that. It is all for Grams, and for the great Ilian religion. Heh.

Graht: Surely you've not come here to enumerate the obvious to me, Harle.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: Correct. I've come to inform you of my upcoming departure. Pray forgive my delay in making my point.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: I shall return ere long with the Dawnshard you so seek.

Graht: Mm. I acknowledge your tireless labors, Harle, and expect much of you. Make full use of any people or tools you require.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: You honor me with your favor, Cardinal.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: And with that, I will take my leave.

Graht: ...Hmph.

Graht: (That quisling... He honeys his words even as he brews poison behind his back. The man is a devil.)

Graht: (He is impossible to read. Taming him may prove beyond me.)

Graht: (And yet, the truth of it is, I could only entrust a man of his particular quality with a duty such as this.)

Graht: (If he comes back with the Dawnshard in tow...)

Graht: (The papal throne would be mine at last.)

100019 01 base portraitHarle: A supreme Sacred Shard... One sought and coveted by all.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: And by "all," I really do mean "all." Far be it from me to omit myself.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: It is high time I set off for the land of the faeries, where all parties shall soon convene.

100019 01 base portraitHarle: I, too, shall toss my hat into the ring of this grand competition. Heh heh heh...
