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Episode 2
Icon Episode Title SummonA Complicated Date
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Orion escorts the prince on a date and behaves as the consummate gentleman. However, he becomes distraught when he runs into a woman he once ran around on, and finds himself making a mad dash for freedom.


110052 03 r03Valentine's Orion: Watch your feet, Euden. I will go first and assure your safety. Follow behind me, if you would. Here, give me your hand so we do not become separated. ...Oh, you're fine? Right then! We've made it to town, so wherever shall we go? Of course, our destination is up to you. I only wish to see you smile. What would you like to eat? I'm told this restaurant's signature dish is a delightful deep-sea fish with Salmoriglio sauce. ...Well, of COURSE I did some research. It would not do to take you out and have you feast on random gutter leavings. I want you to enjoy yourself for me. ...How's that? You're full? Did you truly eat so much at our last stop? Ah, I see. It is that I'm escorting you. In that case, it seems it's not your stomach that is full, but your heart. Heh. Did being escorted by me set your passions aflutter? In that case, you ought to behave exactly as I did on your own dates. So long as you do, you shall be able to enrapture any potential ma... Ah! H-hide, Euden! Don't ask why! Just do it! L-look at the woman over there. Do you recall the first day I came to the Halidom? I had fallen in love with a pair of beautiful sisters who were in my protective charge— and they each returned my love tenfold! Still, I did not wish to hurt either of them, so I kept my dueling affections a secret and continued to date them both. At the end of my work as a bodyguard, they approached me together and asked about the future of our relationships. ...At which point, they tried to kill me. And when I finally stopped running, I found myself at your castle gate! A fated meeting if ever there was. Ah, but let's save the reminiscing for later. That girl is the elder of the sisters. If she finds me, she may be able to finish what she started in terms of the whole...murder thing. So let's make a run for it. A flight of love is but another date activity! And I shall escort you, my prince. Now, let us run like the wind!

Beautiful Sister: YOU!

110052 03 r03Valentine's Orion: Blargh!

Beautiful Sister: It's been a long time, Orion.

110052 03 r03Valentine's Orion: Y-yes, it...certainly has been.

Beautiful Sister: I've wanted to see you so badly... SO. BADLY.

110052 03 r03Valentine's Orion: BLAAARGH! Run, prince! Run for the hills, and do not look back! We will make our escape like two lovers eloping! Oh, how lucky you are to experience such wonders of love!