Dragalia Lost Wiki
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On Sortied
I'm always ready to JUSTICE!
On Entering a Room
Let's JUSTICE it up...together!
When Quest Begins
Let's go, fellow heroes!
It's time to fight!
Response to Beginning of a Quest
Get ready for piping hot JUSTIIIIIICE!
Justice locked and loaded!
When Controlling Character in Quest
Let's get justice-ing!
When Receiving a Heal
You have my thanks!
I'm back, baby!
When Entering a Boss' Room
This is it!
The side of right cannot be defeated!
Response to Entering a Boss' Room
Let's end this...for JUSTICE!
It's time to pay the fiddler!
Upon Getting to Low Health
Justice never dies!
You'll fall before I do, villain!
Upon Opening a Chest
Jackpot! I KNEW it!
Boss on Low Health
We're in the homestretch!
Your evil ends now!
Boss Enters Break State
Let's finish this!
Rare Enemy Spawns
Oh ho! A rare villain!
Hrm?! Ooo, that's rare!
Upon Death
N-no... My justice-ness...
Curse you, foul villain...
When Revived
My justice will never die!
When Using Weapon/Shared Skills
Damage: Time to serve some justice!
Buff Self: The justice levels are off the chart!
Buff Ally: Have a taste of my power!
Debuff Enemy: You're not going anywhere!
Heal Ally: I got you!
Player Uses Damaging Skill
A nice bit of vanquishing!
That's what I'm talkin' about!
When Shape Shifting is Ready
I can go full dragon anytime!
The dragon is ready for action!
Shape Shifting into Dragon
I feel my justice bursting forth!
Idle During Quest
Justice never rests! ...But I do, on occasion.
What about the villains? They're getting away as we speak!
Quest Clear
Justice meted! Fine work.
Quest Failure
Ungh! Nothing cuts deeper than justice left undone.
Home Screen Walking
Ah, another peaceful day!
All crimes must be punished!
I'm off for some special training!
Show yourselves, villains!
My work has just begun!
Home Screen Inside
They call me Karl. The Karlsplosion! The Inkarldescent! The man...of JUSTICE!
Heh heh. I can't wait for the day my name echoes across the land.
The world may turn a blind eye to your crimes, but I never blink!
I train each day and night to become an avatar of justice!
I spring into action like a screaming fireball. They don't call me the Karlsplosion for nothin'!
Tormenting the weak is villainy, and I'll suffer no villain to walk free!
Home Screen Portrait
My soul cries out. And it needs more JUSTICE!
When I see a child smile or a village at peace, I see JUSTICE!
JUSTICE rides upon a screaming fireball!
You and I are going to bring JUSTICE to this world!
Collection Portrait
Once that stranger came to my village, I knew I also had to be a man of justice.
My name is a synonym for justice the continent over. Uh, or it will be. Soon.
I am Karl. The Karlplosion. The inKarldescent. The true man of justice.
The world may turn a blind eye to your crimes, but my justice never blinks.
Limited Lines
Halloween: Threatening tricks, extorting treats?! I'll show those villains the meaning of JUST- wait, that's not how it works?
Dragonyule: Every smile I see this Dragonyule glows with seasonal justice!
New Year: Welcome to the new year! No changes here, for justice keeps no calendar!
Giving Valentine's: Here's a thank you for everything. Anything less would be unjust.
Receiving Valentine's: A gift for me? A symbol of our fiery hot bond?! Friend, you scream justice!
Anniversary Lines
1st Anniversary: We've made it one year! Glad we done it justice!
2nd Anniversary: It's been two years and my passion for justice burns just as hot!
At The Halidom
Hey there. Need something?
My training's only just begun.
New Mana Circle Unlocked
Soon, my name will echo throughout all the land.
On Promotion to 5 Icon Rarity 5 or On Mana Circle Fully Unbound
No more yearning for it. From today on, TRUE JUSTICE is served!

Adventurer Story Episodes

Episode 1

Enter the Karlsplosion

100002 01 r04Elisanne: You've led us on quite the merry chase, but there's nowhere left to run.

100002 01 r04Elisanne: We know you're the one who stole into our castle, thief.

Bandit: Rgh... Like a pack of dogs, you are.

100001 01 r04The Prince: The authorities will give you ample time to reflect on your actions. Now, come—

Unknown???: Justiiice SCREAMING COMET SMAAASH!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Huh?! What is— *cough* *cough*

100002 01 r04Elisanne: I can't see anything through this cloud of dust... Hey! You there! Wait!

Bandit: I dunno who you are, pal, but thanks! So long, suckers!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Oh, blast it all! He's getting away! ...You! Explain yourself! Who are you, and what do you think you're doing?!

110008 01 r04Karl: Heh. I'm glad you asked...

110008 01 r04Karl: The name is Karl. The Karlsplosion! The Inkarldescent! And what I do...is JUSTICE!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: ...I beg your pardon?

110008 01 r04Karl: My name is synonymous with justice the continent over! ...Well, it will be soon.

110008 01 r04Karl: You there, villain!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Er, you seem to be pointing at me, but—

110008 01 r04Karl: Yes, you! I saw the whole thing from afar!

110008 01 r04Karl: Ganging up on that poor defenseless man along with your henchman. For shame!

110008 01 r04Karl: The world may turn a blind eye to your crimes, but my justice never blinks!

110008 01 r04Karl: Prepare yourself! Justiiice SHATTER!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Okay, hang on just a second here!

110008 01 r04Karl: He dodged?!

110008 01 r04Karl: You fear the blade of justice?! The true mark of a villain is ever cowardice!

100001 01 r04The Prince: The man you saw just now is a thief. He broke into our castle and raided our stores, so we were trying to catch him.

110008 01 r04Karl: HNWHAAAT?!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Had he merely been hungry and stealing food, we might have turned a blind eye, but next he ransacked our storehouse.

100002 01 r04Elisanne: He's helped himself to valuables from the nearby townsfolk of late, too.

110008 01 r04Karl: GRNK?!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: And we finally had him pinned down. ...Until you arrived, that is.

110008 01 r04Karl: ...One second.

Bandit: LEMME GO!

110008 01 r04Karl: Ha HA! THIS was the villain all along!

110008 01 r04Karl: I brought him around the local villages to have him identified, and there can be no mistaking this. Justice...is served!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Justice is...very, very fast.

100001 01 r04The Prince: You just left. I mean, JUST now.

110008 01 r04Karl: Justice rides upon a screaming fireball!

110008 01 r04Karl: And today, so does epiphany... For I have seen it!

110008 01 r04Karl: The flames of justice burn bright in you. I must join my flame to yours and stoke it into a raging JUSTICE INFERNO!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: That sounds extremely dangerous. Are you proposing to join us, or to engage in arson?

100001 01 r04The Prince: If it's the former, I'm all for it. The more the merrier.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Arson, er...less so.

110008 01 r04Karl: Haaah ha ha ha! Then let us join forces and set our sights...

110008 01 r04Karl: ...on JUSTICE!!!

Episode 2


110008 01 r04Karl: Well met, dear grandmother type! That's quite the load you're carrying. Allow me to help you!

Old Lady: Oh, you needn't bother. I'm nearly home.

110008 01 r04Karl: No, no. I insist...for JUSTICE!

Old Lady: Ahh! Get back here! Somebody help! Thief! THIEF!

110008 01 r04Karl: Are you lost, miss? I shall deliver you safely home!

Waiting Woman: No, I'm meeting my sweetheart here.

110008 01 r04Karl: Then I shall deliver you to him... with JUSTICE!

Waiting Woman: GAH!

Boyfriend: HEY! Let my girlfriend go, you monster! Somebody help! Kidnapper! KIDNAPPER!

110008 01 r04Karl: Someone's dumped a mountain of garbage here!

110008 01 r04Karl: I'll see it to the junkyard straightaway... because JUSTICE! Cleaning 120014 01 base portraitMan: All my furniture! I just put it outside to dust it off as part of my annual cleaning! Somebody help! Idiot! IDIOT!

100004 01 r04Cleo: ...We've received a stack of complaints from the nearby villages.

100004 01 r04Cleo: "Kindly put a leash on the one going about screaming 'JUSTICE!'" "Stop the bad justice man." They go on...

110008 01 r04Karl: Incomprehensible. I've merely been carrying out justice!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Your intentions are admirable, but your methods are a bit...extreme.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Can't you tone it down just a bit?

110008 01 r04Karl: Impossible!

110008 01 r04Karl: Justice burns hotter than the sun! My passion cannot be bridled!

100004 01 r04Cleo: Oh, I see. He's one of those types who's so full of himself he's unwilling to listen.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Hmm. Let's try a different approach. Karl, what was it that first sparked this flame inside you?

110008 01 r04Karl: I grew up in a terribly poor village. Nearly a ghost town, really.

110008 01 r04Karl: What little we had was stripped from us by outlaws.

110008 01 r04Karl: ...Until the day HE showed up.

110008 01 r04Karl: He defeated the band of rogues who tormented us in the blink of an eye. He saved our village!

110008 01 r04Karl: When I looked at him, I saw justice!

110008 01 r04Karl: And I knew that was what I had to become.

110008 01 r04Karl: So I put my back to home and set off on a journey to go justice all the justice I could justice!

100001 01 r04The Prince: That DOES sound quite justice!

100001 01 r04The Prince: But why did that man fight the outlaws plaguing your village, do you think?

110008 01 r04Karl: Isn't it obvious?! For JUSTICE!

110008 01 r04Karl: Taking down villains needs no reason!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Are you sure?

100001 01 r04The Prince: I wonder if his aim wasn't to bring a bit of happiness to a suffering village. To put the smiles back on your faces.

110008 01 r04Karl: Smiles, you say?

100001 01 r04The Prince: I wonder if that isn't what you really saw in him. What you wanted to emulate.

110008 01 r04Karl: I see... Yes, I see!

110008 01 r04Karl: True justice would be putting a smile on YOUR face, Euden!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Come again?

110008 01 r04Karl: Prepare yourself! Justiiice...TICKLE!

100001 01 r04The Prince: GAH! S-stop that! This is— HA HA HA! This is undignified! HA HA HA HA HA!

100004 01 r04Cleo: *sigh* This is hopeless.

Episode 3

What Is Justice?

100001 01 r04The Prince: Something's wrong. These fiends' numbers aren't normal!

100001 01 r04The Prince: And those thieves with them—

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Ya noticed too? The urn they're carryin' is controllin' the fiends.

110008 01 r04Karl: SMAAAAAASH!

110008 01 r04Karl: I heard a distant cry...for JUSTICE! Make way for the Karlsplosion, people!

110008 01 r04Karl: Looks like you're outnumbered, my friends.

110008 01 r04Karl: Which means it's time I joined the fray! Prepare yourselves, fiends!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Your timing's impeccable, Karl!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Everyone, fall in behind him! We'll clear the fiends out first!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Excellent work! That's the last of those!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Next, we strip that urn from the thieves and round them up!

110008 01 r04Karl: Right. Any villains who'd draft an army of fiends to do their nefarious bidding deserve a double helping of JUSTICE!

110008 01 r04Karl: PREPARE YOUR— Wait a second.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Now's really not the time for introspective pauses, Karl!

110008 01 r04Karl: I helped these guys the other day!

110008 01 r04Karl: They were being attacked by fiends, so I made with the justice.

Bandit: Oh hey! It's you, buddy!

Bandit: Didn't think the guy who helped us steal this urn would turn around and try to take it from us.

110008 01 r04Karl: I did WHAT?!

Bandit: Yeah. We tried to buy it off a black market fence, but he decided we looked like easy marks and made to gouge us.

Bandit: Soon as we called the guy out on it, he used the damn thing to sic his pack of guard fiends on us.

Bandit: Except that's when—

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Karl showed up and took out the fiends.

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Which let these jokers steal the urn.

Bandit: We're proper thankful. This little gem's made all our jobs since go smooth as silk! Keh heh ha ha ha!

110008 01 r04Karl: What have I done...?

Bandit: You're basically an accomplice in all this, friend. Why not just let us go?

110008 01 r04Karl: I'm not the hero... I'm one of the outlaws?

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Ugh. I ain't got time for this!

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Euden! Back me up! With the fiends gone, the two of us can finish this!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Er, right! I'm with you!

100003 01 r04Ranzal: ...Whew. One urn confiscated, and one pack'a thieves trussed up real tight. That's everything sorted.

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Well, almost everything. Karl, how ya holding up there?

110008 01 r04Karl: Everything I stood for was a lie... My life is a hollow mockery of justice...

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Yikes.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Come now, Karl. We all make mistakes.

100001 01 r04The Prince: It's what we do after that matters.

110008 01 r04Karl: What we do after... *inhale*


100001 01 r04The Prince: Waugh?! That was a little sudden! And exceptionally loud...

110008 01 r04Karl: You're right. I'll take some time to ponder what justice truly means to me! Ha HAA ha ha ha!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Well, at least he's back in high spirits.

100003 01 r04Ranzal: I think I liked him better depressed.

Episode 4

True Justice

100001 01 r04The Prince: Karl is moving slow? ...THAT Karl?

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Yes, and he's off lost in his head in the middle of combat.

100002 01 r04Elisanne: If this keeps up, it's only a matter of time before he ends up in some fiend's belly.

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Think he's still mullin' things over after his little mistake earlier?

100003 01 r04Ranzal: He did say somethin' about ponderin' the true meaning of justice.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Hmm, but how can we help him find his answer?

100007 01 base portraitNotte: Bad, bad, very bad! You've gotta come to the village! HURRY!

110008 01 r04Karl: Easy, now. Put down the weapon and let the woman go.

Woman: Heeelp! Let me go, you brute! I shall swoon!

120014 01 base portraitMan: You squeezed every last coin out of me, drove me into debt, raided my parents' estate, and gave it all to another man!

Woman: Yeah, and whose fault is it for being too stupid to see that?!

Woman: You're an empty bucket, loser! Now hurry up and kick it!

110008 01 r04Karl: Rgh, clearly the man holding the woman at knifepoint is bad, yet her duplicity is the root cause!

110008 01 r04Karl: So...which one do I smash? How is justice done?!

120014 01 base portraitMan: Enough... I'm through talking to you! This is farewell forever! HrrRAAAH!

110008 01 r04Karl: No!

Woman: Aaah!

100001 01 r04The Prince: HRAH! ...Your blade lies broken, sir. Get ahold of your emotions.

110008 01 r04Karl: Euden!

120014 01 base portraitMan: Aah... Curse you, woman. *sob* Curse you!

100001 01 r04The Prince: ......

Woman: Ahh ha ha ha! A fine sight you are! You're pathetic!

Woman: Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a date with my new lover.

100001 01 r04The Prince: You have a date with the authorities, madam.

100001 01 r04The Prince: They'll see you atone for the fraud you perpetrated against this man.

Woman: What?! No!

110008 01 r04Karl: ...You didn't hesitate at all. You stepped in and meted out perfectly balanced justice.

110008 01 r04Karl: Me, I was paralyzed. Lost in worrying who was right or wrong.

110008 01 r04Karl: I feel ashamed. Angry at myself!

110008 01 r04Karl: Please, Euden! Teach me!

110008 01 r04Karl: What do I need to do to be able to serve justice as you do?!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Believe me, I'm no avatar of justice.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Her life was in danger, so I acted.

100001 01 r04The Prince: But his grievances were also valid, so I held her accountable.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Nothing more.

110008 01 r04Karl: I see... It isn't about what you do, but the cause that guides your actions.

110008 01 r04Karl: I... I think I see it now!

110008 01 r04Karl: I know what I want to do! What I must!

100001 01 r04The Prince: I'm glad to hear it!

110008 01 r04Karl: Justice isn't some distant ideal to be chased!

110008 01 r04Karl: It's in every act of consideration, every bit of concern, every chastisement! My true journey of justice begins here!

110008 01 r04Karl: I am Karl! Man...

110008 01 r04Karl: ...of JUSTIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!

Episode 5

The Real Deal

100001 01 r04The Prince: Hellooo? Come on out, kids!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Your mothers are worried! They sent us to find you!

100007 01 base portraitNotte: Yeesh, which one of the little geniuses thought it'd be a good idea to wander into the Banewood alone?

100007 01 base portraitNotte: I sure hope they live long enough to learn better!

100001 01 r04The Prince: You shouldn't even joke about that. This place is home to dangerous fiends.

100001 01 r04The Prince: And the nasty weather limits visibility.

Unknown???: WaaAAAaAAAaaUGH!

100007 01 base portraitNotte: The children!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Where are they?!

Girl: *sob* H-heeelp!

Boy: Anyone, please! HELP!

120007 01 base portraitFiend: SKREEEEE!

Unknown???: Justiiice SCREAMING COMET SMAAASH!

Boy: Wh-who are you, mister?!

110008 01 r04Karl: The name's Karl. The Karlsplosion! The Inkarldescent! Man...of JUSTICE!

120007 01 base portraitFiend: Grrrrrr!

110008 01 r04Karl: I bear you no grudge, fiends. Let these children be, and we'll leave your territory!

120007 01 base portraitFiend: GrrrROAAAWR!

110008 01 r04Karl: Not in the mood for diplomacy, eh? Justiiice SUPERNOVA EXPLOSION!

Boy: H-he cleared 'em all out in one hit!

100001 01 r04The Prince: The voices were coming from this direc— Karl?! What are you doing here?

110008 01 r04Karl: I heard a pair of village children had gone missing, so I came running!

110008 01 r04Karl: Both of them are safe and sound!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Oh, whew!

Girl: You were amazing, mister!

110008 01 r04Karl: Thank you, little lady!

110008 01 r04Karl: But I'm also very cross with you both. Do you know why?

Girl: Be...cause we went into the Banewood even though we weren't s'posed to?

110008 01 r04Karl: Because you made your mother worry.

110008 01 r04Karl: The other villagers told you it wasn't safe here, didn't they?

Boy: B-but we wanted a secret base someplace everybody else was too scared to go! It was gonna be awesome...

110008 01 r04Karl: Being awesome is definitely important.

110008 01 r04Karl: But being considerate of others' feelings is even more important. It doesn't get any awesomer than that.

110008 01 r04Karl: Once you've got that down, you'll be able to bring a smile to people's faces. And that's what I call justice!

Boy: ...Justice!

100007 01 base portraitNotte: Heh. Karl sounds like a hero over there.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Yep. That's the real deal right there.

110008 01 r04Karl: Now, shout it to the heavens! All together now...

110008 01 r04Karl: JUSTIIIICE!!!
